Community stories
Helping first responders make mental health a priority
Peer support networks create safety net
January 22, 2025
A national peer support network could help first responders across the U.S. connect directly with trained peers who understand their experiences, writes Bob Stanberry, Chief of Police, retired. And it could provide them with the best tools, creating a vital safety net for mental wellness.
About the program
Collaboration, advocacy and resources for the community

Program launched in 2020
The FirstNet Health and Wellness Program (FHWCP) launched in May 2020 with the recognized need to support first responder health and wellness.
Driving advocacy in wellness
Through advocacy, identifying resources and building relationships, the coalition provides guidance for emergency responder wellness.
A call for collaboration
The coalition addresses public safety health and wellness by identifying supportive resources at all levels.

Boulder Crest Foundation
Boulder Crest Foundation is the home of Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) and the global leader in the development, delivery, study, and scale of PTG-based programs. The foundation is working to transform existing notions of mental health and struggle. FirstNet is proud to collaborate with Boulder Crest on this important mission.
Safety and wellness apps
On-the-go resources for first responders

FirstNet: The power behind San Luis Obispo County sheriff’s public safety response
April 12, 2023
Our deputies and investigators carry phones that are on FirstNet, giving them reliable access to information even when they are outside of their cars.
ResponderStrong™ Mental Health Train the Trainer Workshop Nov. 19th
Medical wellness champions and ambassadors - Join us virtually (PDF) for this highly regarded program being implemented across the nation to bolster resiliency, erode stigma, and decrease stress injury: burnout, compassion fatigue, anxiety, depression, and suicidality.
News articles
The importance of the chief's health
7 things first responders can teach you about holiday resilience
How first responders can avoid common mistakes as you set 2021 goals
A commitment to addressing first responder needs
Officer health in the Black law enforcement community
Finding balance: How women first responders manage stressors of work, family and career
Help resources
Supporting first responders when they need help
Downloadable resources

All Clear Foundation
Helping others is second nature. Ensure you do the same for yourself.

All Clear Foundation
Helping others is second nature. Ensure you do the same for yourself.
ResponderStrong™ Mental Health Train the Trainer Workshop Nov. 19th
Medical wellness champions and ambassadors - Join us virtually (PDF) for this highly regarded program being implemented across the nation to bolster resiliency, erode stigma, and decrease stress injury: burnout, compassion fatigue, anxiety, depression, and suicidality.
ResponderStrong™ Mental Health Train the Trainer Workshop Nov. 19th
Medical wellness champions and ambassadors - Join us virtually (PDF) for this highly regarded program being implemented across the nation to bolster resiliency, erode stigma, and decrease stress injury: burnout, compassion fatigue, anxiety, depression, and suicidality.
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By clicking Submit, you consent to AT&T sending you email about FirstNet services, products and offers at the address you provide, even if you have previously opted out of receiving AT&T marketing emails.

All Clear Foundation
Helping others is second nature. Ensure you do the same for yourself.